Saturday 30 August 2014

As I Lay Coughing

Hello again,

My excitement and preparations have been brought to a halt by the most boring of illnesses: the common cold. Instead of being at work or anywhere other than my bed, I am lying here, surrounded by tissues. Disgusting, I know. I have also probably drunk my weight in Earl Grey.

On a more positive note, in two weeks I will actually be AT SUSSEX, settled into my new flat, probably (hopefully!) getting ready to go out with some new friends. I literally cannot wait to get to go ! 

Some of my best friends are also going abroad this autumn, and seeing them leave is making me want to go even more badly. It's so strange to think that, like them, I will soon be thousands of miles away from home. That part hasn't really hit me yet.

Here's hoping I get better and can make a slightly more upbeat post soon.

Love, M

Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Diary of a Young Woman

Hello, world !

I am Minna, a 23-year-old young woman from Helsinki, Finland. On this blog you will be able to read all about my life and adventures as a student at the University of Sussex, in Brighton, UK.

As you may have guessed from the ingenious title of this blog as well as this particular post, I am in fact going to study English Language and Literature. If you didn't get the wonderfully crafted references to classic literary works, please make use of any search engine of your choice and educate yourself.

I still have over two weeks before I actually leave for Sussex, but preparations are well underway and there is still SO MUCH to do ! So far, in addition to getting a place in University, I have managed to box up my life and move back into my parents' house for the last couple of weeks before The Big Move. Let me tell you, moving is no joke. At this point I feel like not even thinking about moving back from the UK after I get there, since packing is the worst. And I still actually have to pick which things to take with me and pack those into ONE suitcase and a carry-on bag. So I guess I will just stay there forever... ;) Not a bad idea, actually !

Anyway, I'll be here for your reading pleasure for the foreseeable future. If you have any suggestions or questions about anything I mention (or don't), feel free to leave them in the comments !

Love, M